Adventures in Mexico

Adventures in Mexico
At a tequila distillerywith the daughters over Christmas

Friday, June 4, 2010

Go Huskies!

Life goes on while you are waiting. I had my second interview for the Executive Director job at the Botanic Garden. I sent in the minor administrative stuff on my Peace Corps Medical (I had my polio booster but they forgot to put it on the form, etc.). If I get my medical clearance, I'll probably tell the garden I'm not interested but it's tempting to keep that open as a possibility. They may not want me anyway. I wish the medical clearance were done.

At the school where I work the softball team (the Huskies) is in the state finals tomorrow. Should I go to the game or work on the house to get it ready to rent while we're gone? I think I'll go to the game because I care about the girls on the team. Only a few parents know I'm leaving. I wonder if others have a hard time sharing the news with people at work. It seems hard to tell people that you chose adventure over working at a place that's so important to them.

It's interesting how people react to the news that we are going to Africa in the Peace Corps. I like best the people who say "that's great! What an adventure!" with real enthusiasm. Others get a worried look and start asking questions, like "where in Africa? (we don't know yet) Where will you live? (we aren't sure). Many look really uncomfortable with the idea. Our friends and family are worried about having us so far away but are more-or-less supportive. Do others find this dichotomy of response?


  1. Absolutely ... the dichotomy is really difficult to deal with, but luckily the majority of my friends and family are on the positive half. What I tell myself though is that the "negative" half are usually just concerned about my safety because they care about me, not because they don't think it's a great experience ... though I have run into a few who disagree with my decision! Just remember, its something you're doing for yourself and in the end others will come around :)

    PS. I'm from Seattle too and super excited for the Huskies softball team! Enjoy the game!

  2. Sadly, they lost but they played a good game and were runners-up for the championship. Go huskies!
