Adventures in Mexico

Adventures in Mexico
At a tequila distillerywith the daughters over Christmas

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nothing venture nothing gain

They want me back for another interview at the Botanic Garden. This would be such a great job. But I really want to do Peace Corps. Can I and should I do an interview for a job I really don't want? I wish Peace Corps would clear us and we'd get an invitation. It would make our lives so much easier to have a straightforward future. The lovely medical person said there are no more issues so why aren't we cleared? All this uncertainty makes me feel like such a whiner!

I don't think there's any way to pressure Peace Corps to make a decision. I thought about asking our recruiter but I don't think there's anything she can do. We are busy upending 35 years of settled lives to take a chance that we'll end up in Peace Corps. I remember that when, all those years ago, we were in Peace Corps Ghana, there were trotros (trucks) with painted slogans. One said on the front "nothing venture," and on the back, of course, "nothing gain."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, we are in a very similar situation (in Northern CA too). We're still completing the onerous medical evals, but hope to leave next March for eastern Europe. Good luck on receiving your invitation!
